
Monday, December 12, 2016

My Last Post

Hi There Blogging world,

Thank you for coming to visit my learning blog. this will be my last blog because I am on holiday. I have enjoyed this blog to share my learning with you all. I hope you have enjoyed reading about my learning to.

Blog You Later.
Max Mc


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Star Wars

This is my book review about Star Wars I hope you like it. Its from our Duffy books. We got three books I chose this book because it looks like the most interesting one. My favourite page is the first one because I put the most effort into it, I think I did well with my slideshow. I learnt how to use Lego build. Enjoy!

Monday, November 21, 2016


This is my thinking hats for our school production I have answered some questions and put them in these hats.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Ninja Rella

This is my book I have read for 15 mins. It is a remix of Cinderella but as you can see it is Ninja-rella, it's the same story of Cinderella but instead of marrying the prince she wants to be his body guard but she needs to get past her step mother and step sisters.

Monday, November 7, 2016


This is the main page there is a dice below and its a bit like snakes and ladders but no ladders what ever you land on you need to do the activity.
This is what I did, I landed on a question mark. I have to find out how to do the keyboard short cuts.

Monday, October 17, 2016

My Motat Trip

On Tuesday the senior school went to Motat we all were so excited, Well for Shaw I was. We went on Tuesday the 11th the reason we went was because, at school we were making toys and they had to have at least one thing that was electric. I was thinking of doing an electric car but know I've seen all of these other stuff I might give some a go. The place that inspired me to find make other creative things apart from a car was going to the Da Vinci  exhibition which was going to get taken down the very next week so we were very lucky for this. When we arrived from school we all thank the bus driver and lined up outside in our groups I was very happy to be here at Motat.

We were greeted by a nice lady and a man they took us inside this huge white dome to talk to us. When they finished talking to us we were very interested with all the knowledge that they had told. One of my favourites was that they had one of the second oldest fire engines in the world, and England had the other one and there were only two left in the world.

Then we started the tour our first thing we did was a room with heaps of toys some were new some were old. She had a talk about all of the things we can look and what we can play with.

Then when we our time had run out we had to go and do something else which for our group was we got to go wherever we want as a group though. After we had a walk around we had the tram ride it was a little train that was green and had Motat on the front it was very bumpy but it was fun. When we got off we were very very hungry so we went inside and had lunch yum it was delicious.

After lunch my group went to the Da Vinci exhibition it was awesome there were heaps of inventions we got to make a bridge it was really hard when we finished we said bye and walked back to the bus and left to go back to school.

This recount has been edited by me alone and not checked by my teacher. I am learning to work independently. 

This is about where my Chrome book parts a have gone before it has come to me and so we were wondering where it had first been even before it was in one piece. My Chromebook is now in my hands.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Game Scenarios

This week we have been doing cyber smart with one of our teachers we have been looking at scenarios online about things going wrong online, Above this text is the scenario, Questions is above and below is the answer.
                        1. Send a message to them and tell them I really don't think you should do that.
                  2. If you have to report them, you report them to the game so they can patch up what they did.

Sometimes when you reply, it can make things worse...

Friday, September 9, 2016

Our class has been doing art this term and this is the order of how we started to the end of our work, our whole class did one so be Shaw to check them out.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

How to make a Good and Amzing blog comment

Ki ora.  In today's learning we have been learning how to make a perfect and amazing blog comment. To do this, you need to be positive, helpful and you also need to give them information on how they could fix it in all of the problems you have spotted. The most important thing is to have a conversation with the owner of the blog. So why don't you send me a message and let's see how good you are at blog commenting.

Monday, August 8, 2016

What makes a good blog comment

Created with Padlet

This is a padlet for my blog because it is relevant for my learning. It is about writing a good blog comment for the owner of the blog. You will need a question, connection, punctuation, first name and not your last or middle name. The most important one it to always read through and make sure it is all of these things. Now that our digital classrooms are starting to add more and more posts we would like you all to comment and help us on what we need.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

All about me

This is a all about me work post. It has all the things I am good at and all my strengths and other things about me.

Our before and after blog post

Friday, July 8, 2016

Muriwai Camp

Our Year 5's and 6's had an 'old school' school camp at Muriwai beach. It was so fun! We did all kinds of things like bivouac building, confidence coarse, walking down to the water fall. It was freezing when we did the bivouac building at lest we finished it turned out to be actually pretty good. The day before bivouac we went down to the beach as you can see here this hill was huge. When we started to get tired something bad happened... it haled and it stung! We all ran around like headless chickens until it stopped.

                                                                      By Max

Monday, July 4, 2016

24hr digital footprint

1. I spent most of my time on goggle chrome. 
2. If I did this in the weekend no it would not be different than this. 
3. Its on Google chrome so it should be one of the biggest. First we all went onto and copyed our history and pasted it on the app.

This is my  24hr digital footprint the bigger the word is the more time you have spent on the app.
If the app name is small the littler you have spent on the app.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.